Some specifications need to be fine-tuned and constantly modified. Sometimes to access a specific environment, or to disable some examples, or to execute more ScalaCheck properties. For all those situations it is desirable to modify the specification directly from the command-line without having to recompile it.
Let’s see first how to use the command line to modify the outcome of just one example:
import org.specs2.main.*
class SpecificationWithArgs(args: CommandLine) extends Specification:
def is = s2"""
This example is controlled from the command line $e1
def e1 =
if args.isSet("isOk") then
1 === 1
1 === 2
With a mutable specification the code is similar:
class SpecificationWithArgs(args: CommandLine) extends mutable.Spec:
"This example is controlled from the command line" >> {
if args.isSet("isOk") then
1 === 1
1 === 2
Then you can set the argument, or not in sbt with
sbt> testOnly *ArgsSpec*
sbt> testOnly *ArgsSpec* -- !isOk
sbt> testOnly *ArgsSpec* -- isOk
The first 2 invocations of the specification will report a failure (1st one, the argument is not set and for the second one it is negated) and the 3rd invocation will make the specification pass.
Any specification with a 1-parameter constructor can be instantiated provided that:
, ExecutionEnv
, Arguments
, CommandLine
In particular this means that you can define a Specification
with a constructor using a CommandLine
argument and when the specification will be created it will be passed the command line arguments:
case class MyDbSpec(commandLine: CommandLine) extends Specification with DbSpec:
def is = s2"""
create a user $createUser
// the database client is created from the command line
// arguments and can be used in the examples
def createUser = client.createUser("xxx") must beSome
// Template trait for accessing the database
// this trait can be controlled from command line arguments
// and it takes care of the setup of the database before and after all
// the examples
trait DbSpec extends Specification with BeforeAfterSpec:
def commandLine: CommandLine
def beforeSpec = step(println("start db here"))
def afterSpec = step(println("stop db here"))
lazy val client = {
if (commandLine.contains("prod")) DbClient("production")
else DbClient("test")
case class DbClient(env: String):
def createUser(name: String): Option[String] = ???