The execution page describes the most frequent modes of execution:
Executing the specification concurrently in particular can be a good way to test the stability of the system in presence of random commands. However it is sometimes not possible to overlap examples executions because that could break the external state.
In this case you can use another mode of execution. The sequentialRandom
argument adds random dependencies to your examples so that they will force them to be executed in a random order, one after the other. This randomization is only being done for examples in between steps so if you have steps inside the specification guaranteeing some kind of checkpoints during the execution, they will be preserved.
Let’s see this on an example:
class RandomSequentialSpec extends Specification:
def is = sequentialRandom ^ s2"""
example1 $e1
example2 $e2
example3 $e3
example4 $e4
example5 $e5
example6 $e6
def e1 = { "e1".pp; ok }
def e2 = { "e2".pp; ok }
def e3 = { "e3".pp; ok }
def e4 = { "e4".pp; ok }
def e5 = { "e5".pp; ok }
def e6 = { "e6".pp; ok }
With such a specification you might see in the console:
[info] e3
[info] e2
[info] e1
[info] here
[info] e5
[info] e6
[info] e4
The sequentialRandom
argument is a simple way to test random commands on a system. A better approach is to use ScalaCheck and its notion of stateful property-based testing.