Any IO-like data type which can be executed as a Future
can be integrated in specifications. Here is such a data type:
import scala.concurrent._
case class IO[T](run: ExecutionContext => Future[T])
You can integrate it to any specification by providing an instance of the AsExecution
import org.specs2.execute.{AsResult}
import org.specs2.specification.core.{AsExecution, Execution}
object IO {
// this converts an IO value into a specs2 Execution with the
// withEnvAsync function which takes a Future
implicit def ioAsExecution[R : AsResult]: AsExecution[IO[R]] = new AsExecution[IO[R]] {
def execute(io: =>IO[R]): Execution =
Execution.withEnvAsync(env =>
// create a successful IO value (used in the example below)
def successful[T](t: =>T): IO[T] =
IO(_ => Future.successful(t))
You can then use your IO type in a normal specification:
class TestMutableSpec extends mutable.Specification {
"e1" >> {