The matchers based on typed equality like be_===[T]
all take an implicit typeclass instance from the Diffable
trait Diffable[-T] {
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
trait ComparisonResult {
def identical: Boolean
def render: String
def render(indent: String): String = render
The Diffable
typeclass produces a ComparisonResult
between 2 instances so that:
Diffable[T].diff(t1, t2).identical <==> t1 == t2
The ComparisonResult.render
method is then used to produce a user-readable difference between 2 objects of the same type. This typeclass is implemented for the most common types:
(1 ==== 2).message
1 != 2
(List(1, 2, 3) ==== List(1, 5, 3)).message
- 2
+ 5
(List(1, 2, 3) ==== List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).message
+ 4
+ 5
(Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two") ==== Map(2 -> "Two", 3 -> "three")).message
Map(2 -> {'two' != 'Two'},
added: 3 -> 'three',
removed: 1 -> 'one')
We can also compare case classes with by adding the specs2-shapeless
dependency and importing a special Diffable
instance for case classes with CaseClassDiffs
case class Address(number: Int, street: String)
case class Person(age: Int, name: String, address: Address)
val p1 = Person(44, "me", Address(14, "Best avenue"))
val p2 = Person(27, "you", Address(14, "First street"))
import org.specs2.matcher.CaseClassDiffs._
(p1 ==== p2).message
Person(age: 44 != 27,
name: 'me' != 'you',
address: Address(number: 14,
street: 'Best avenue' != 'First street'))
Since Diffable
is a typeclass you are free to provide other instances in scope to display failures differently:
val p1 = Person(44, "me", Address(14, "Best avenue"))
val p2 = Person(27, "you", Address(14, "First street"))
import org.specs2.matcher.CaseClassDiffs._
// display string differences using the edit distance
implicit def stringDiffable: Diffable[String] = new Diffable[String] {
def diff(s1: String, s2: String): ComparisonResult = {
if (s1 == s2) PrimitiveIdentical(s1)
new ComparisonResult {
def identical = false
def render = {
val (s1Diff, s2Diff) = org.specs2.text.StringEditDistance.showDistance(s1, s2)
s"$s1Diff != $s2Diff"
(p1 ==== p2).message
Person(age: 44 != 27,
name: [me] != [you],
address: Address(number: 14,
street: [Be]st [avenue] != [Fir]st [street]))
You can also reuse the identical
method on ComparisonResult
to provide a different notion of equality:
import org.specs2.matcher.describe.Diffables._
implicit def approximateInt: Diffable[Int] =
compareWith((i1: Int, i2: Int) => math.abs(i1 - i2) <= 5)
(1 ==== 3).message
1 != 3