Use command-line arguments

Some specifications need to be fine-tuned and constantly modified. Sometimes to access a specific environment, or to disable some examples, or to execute more ScalaCheck properties. For all those situations it is desirable to modify the specification directly from the command-line without having to recompile it.

Control an example

Let’s see first how to use the command line to modify the outcome of just one example:

import org.specs2.main._

class SpecificationWithArgs(args: CommandLine) extends Specification { def is = s2"""
 This example is controlled from the command line $e1

  def e1 =
    if (args.isSet("isOk")) 1 must_== 1
    else                    1 must_== 2

With a mutable specification the code is similar:

class SpecificationWithArgs(args: CommandLine) extends mutable.Specification {
 "This example is controlled from the command line" in {
   if (args.isSet("isOk")) 1 must_== 1
   else                    1 must_== 2

Control a specification

Any specification with a 1-parameter constructor can be instantiated provided that:

In particular this means that you can define a Specification with a constructor using a CommandLine argument and when the specification will be created it will be passed the command line arguments:

case class MyDbSpec(commandLine: CommandLine) extends Specification with DbSpec { def is = s2"""

  create a user $createUser

  // the database client is created from the command line
  // arguments and can be used in the examples
  def createUser = client.createUser("xxx") must beSome

// Template trait for accessing the database
// this trait can be controlled from command line arguments
// and it takes care of the setup of the database before and after all
// the examples
trait DbSpec extends Specification with BeforeAfterAll {
  def commandLine: CommandLine

  def beforeAll = println("start db here")
  def afterAll  = println("stop db here")

  lazy val client = {
    if (commandLine.contains("prod")) DbClient("production")
    else                              DbClient("test")

  case class DbClient(env: String) {
    def createUser(name: String): Option[String] = ???

Control a context

The next thing you might want to control is contexts. Instead of using the BeforeEach / AfterEach / AroundEach traits directly you will need to implement the ContextWithCommandLineArguments trait and provide the appropriate context object:

class SpecificationWithArgs extends Specification with ContextWithCommandLineArguments { def is = s2"""
 This is a specification with a context depending on command line arguments
  with one example $ok
  /** you need to define this method */
  def context = (commandLine: CommandLine) =>
    new Before {
      def before = if (commandLine.isSet("dobefore")) println("before!")

Control data injection

The final situation where you would need to use command-line arguments is with a ForEach trait. If you want to influence the injection of data with the command line, the ForEachWithCommandLineArguments trait needs to be mixed in:

class SpecificationWithArgs extends Specification with ForEachWithCommandLineArguments[Int] { def is = s2"""
 This is a specification
  with one example using injected data ${ (i: Int) => i must_== i }
  /** you need to define this method */
  def foreach[R : AsResult](commandLine: CommandLine)(f: Int => R) =

And for a mutable specification:

class SpecificationWithArgs extends mutable.Specification with specification.mutable.ForEachWithCommandLine[Int] {
  "This is a specification" >> {
    "with one example using injected data" >> { (i: Int) =>
      i must_== i

   /** you need to define this method */
   def foreach[R : AsResult](commandLine: CommandLine)(f: Int => R) =