JUnit XML output

Many continuous integration servers (like Jenkins) accept JUnit XML as their de facto standard for reporting test results. You can output a JUnit XML file by simply using the junitxml argument:

testOnly org.acme.MySpec -- junitxml

The JUnit XML file corresponding to the specification will be produced by default in the target/test-reports directory. You can change this directory by passing the junit.outdir argument like so:

testOnly org.acme.MySpec -- junitxml junit.outdir custom_xml_folder

This will output the xml files in the custom_xml_folder in the top level project directory.

Remember that using junitxml by itself will turn off the console reporting. You need to add console to get it back.

Note that sbt test does not take parameters so the default behavior is to produce the JUnit XML files for all specifications in the default output directory

In order to change the default output directory of the junit xml files when running the tests with test, add the following to your sbt build file:

testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument("junitxml", "junit.outdir", "custom_xml_folder")

Note that this will suppress the console output, which may be what you want if this is a configuration for a build machine. To re-enable console output, use instead:

testOptions in Test ++= Seq( Tests.Argument("junitxml", "junit.outdir", "custom_xml_folder"), Tests.Argument("console") )