Given when then


The Given/When/Then style structures the specification with 3 main elements:

In specs2 the support for Given/When/Then can be more or less complex depending on the features you wish to use:

Basic support

With an acceptance specification

Given/When/Then specifications are easy to write using the acceptance style, you just use regular text, steps and examples:

class GWTSpec extends Specification { def is = s2"""
 Given a first number         $g1
 When I double it             $w1
 Then I get twice that number $t1
  var number = 0
  def g1 = step {
    // do something to provide a number
    number = 1

  def w1 = step {
    // do an action
    number *= number
  // check the result
  def t1 = number must_== 2

With a mutable specification

With a mutable specification you would write:

class GWTSpec extends mutable.Specification {

 "Given a first number".txt.p
  step { number = 1 }

  "When I double it".br
  step { number *= 2 }

  "Then I get twice that number" >> {
    number must_== 2

  var number = 0

Intermediate support

Given/When/Then specifications are often written as blocks of text where part of the text contains values to use during the execution. For example:

This is a specification for a bank transfer

 given an account with the amount {100}
 given another account with the amount {500}
 when we transfer {50} from the first account to the second
 then the first amount is {50} and the second is {550}

How do you code this with an acceptance specification?

With an acceptance specification

You can implement this approach with the org.specs2.specification.dsl.GWT trait:

class GWTSpec extends Specification with specification.dsl.GWT with StandardDelimitedStepParsers { def is = s2"""
 Given a first number {2}     $g1
 When multiply it by {3}      $w1
 Then I get {6}               $t1
  var number = 0
  def g1 = step(anInt) { i => number = i }

  def w1 = step(anInt) { j => number = number * j }

  def t1 = example(anInt) { n => number must_== n }

Now we need a bit of help to extract values from the text. This is provided in the form of StepParsers.

Delimited parsers

The easiest way to extract values from a string is to delimit exactly where are the values to extract, then to provide a way to give them meaningful types. This is the role of StepParsers. Those parsers are using {} as delimiters for the values you want to extract. For example you can define an extractor for Int values like this:

val anInt = StepParser((_: String).toInt)

The anInt step parser has a method parse(text: String) returning:

You can change the delimiters being used by overriding the implicit regular expression from the StepParsers trait:

  // use `[]` as a delimiter
  override implicit lazy val stepParserRegex = new Regex("\\[([^\\]]+)\\]")

But you can also specify another regular expression “locally” for a given step parser:

val anInt = StepParser((_: String).toInt)(new Regex("\\[([^\\]]+)\\]"))

Finally StepParsers can collect all the delimited values at once with the seq method:

StepParser.seq((seq: Seq[String]) =>"values {1}, {2}, {3}") === Right(6)

Regex parsers

More generally you can use any regular expression to parse values with the readAs and groupAs methods

// match the whole line
val anInt1 = readAs(".*(\\d+).*").and((s: String) => s.toInt)

// just declare the groups you want to match
val anInt2 = groupAs("\\d+").and((s: String) => s.toInt)

// note: if you want to extract 2 ints, just pass a function of 2 arguments
val twoInts = groupAs("\\d+").and((s1: String, s2: String) => (s1.toInt, s2.toInt))

Standard parsers

A few StepParsers have been predefined for you in the StandardDelimitedStepParsers and StandardRegexStepParsers traits to extract Ints, Doubles and Strings:

With a mutable specification

Several syntaxes are available with a mutable specification. The first syntax uses modified step and example methods to create steps and examples:

class GWTSpec extends mutable.Specification with org.specs2.specification.dsl.mutable.GWT with StandardDelimitedStepParsers {

  "adding numbers".p

  step("Given a first number {2}")(anInt) { i =>
    number = i

  step("When I multiply it by {3}")(anInt) { j =>
    number = number * j

  example("Then I get {6}")(anInt) { n: Int =>
    number must_== n

  var number = 0

The second syntax is mostly the same but with postfix methods:

class GWTSpec extends mutable.Specification with org.specs2.specification.dsl.mutable.GWT with StandardDelimitedStepParsers {

  "adding numbers".p

  "Given a first number {2}".step(anInt) { i =>
    number = i

  "When I multiply it by {3}".step(anInt) { j =>
    number = number * j

  "Then I get {6}".example(anInt) { n: Int =>
    number must_== n

  var number = 0

Those two syntaxes are just specialisations of the mutable.GivenWhenThen trait which provides Given/When/Then keywords:

class GWTSpec extends mutable.Specification with org.specs2.specification.dsl.mutable.GWT with StandardDelimitedStepParsers with GivenWhenThenSyntax {

  "adding numbers".p

  Given("a first number {2}")(anInt) { i =>
    number = i

  When("I multiply it by {3}")(anInt) { j =>
    number = number * j

  Then("I get {6}")(anInt) { n: Int =>
    number must_== n

  var number = 0

This will create sentences such as:

Given a first number 2
When I multiply it by 3
Then I get 6

If you prefer to have uncapitalized given/when/then methods you can use the GivenWhenAndThenSyntax trait:

class GWTSpec extends mutable.Specification with org.specs2.specification.dsl.mutable.GWT
  with StandardDelimitedStepParsers with GivenWhenAndThenSyntax {

  "adding numbers".p

  given("a first number {2}")(anInt) { i =>
    number = i

  when("I multiply it by {3}")(anInt) { j =>
    number = number * j

  andThen("I get {6}")(anInt) { n: Int =>
    number must_== n

  var number = 0

Which renders

given a first number 2
when I multiply it by 3
then I get 6

In this case andThen has to be used in place of then because then is going to become a Scala keyword in future releases.

Full support

The full support fixes an issue with all the previous styles: the necessity to create mutable variables to keep track of state changes between steps and examples. It also enforces statically a proper sequencing of the Given/When/Then actions.

Here, we mix-in the org.specs2.specification.script.GWT trait. This trait provides a class, Scenario, to parse the specification text and create Steps and Examples. Let’s see an example:

class GWTSpec extends Specification with org.specs2.specification.script.GWT with StandardRegexStepParsers { def is = s2"""

 A given-when-then example for a calculator                       ${calculator1.start}
   Given the following number: 1
   And a second number: 2
   And a third number: 6
   When I use this operator: +
   Then I should get: 9
   And it should be >: 0                                          ${calculator1.end}


  val anOperator = readAs(".*: (.)$").and((s: String) => s)

  val calculator1 =
      when(anOperator) { case op :: i :: j :: k :: _ => if (op == "+") i + j + k else i * j * k }.
      andThen(anInt)   { case expected :: sum :: _ => sum === expected}.
      andThen(anInt)   { case expected :: sum :: _ => sum must be_>(expected)}

In this example, calculator1.start marks the beginning of a Given/When/Then section and each line until calculator1.end must correspond to a given, when or andThen call on the scenario.

More precisely, the functions passed to a when step must be of the form

:: is the Shapeless HCons operator so don’t forget to add the Shapeless dependency to your project if you are using the GWT trait!

And similarly for andThen steps

The type R of the value r must be such that there is an AsResult type class instance in scope to transform it to a Result. In other words r is: a Boolean, a MatchResult[_], a ScalaCheck Prop,…

You will also note that the Scenario class restricts the order of methods which you can call. It always has to be given* -> when* -> andThen*.

And if you want to know more