
The execution of a Specification depends on various parts, among which:

All of this is bundled into one object org.specs2.specification.core.Env. The Env is accessible to your Specification by mixing-in the org.specs2.specification.Environment trait

class MySpec extends Specification with Environment { def is(env: Env) =
  Use the environment fileSystem
  ${ env.fileSystem.mkdirs("tmp" / "test").runOption; ok }

As you can see, instead of defining the is method you now need to defined the is(env: Env) method. Then you can access any attribute of the current Env. There are also some specialised traits giving access to specific parts of the environment

Command-line arguments

When you just want to access the command-line arguments you can use the org.specs2.specification.CommandLineArguments trait

class MySpec extends Specification with CommandLineArguments { def is(args: CommandLine) = s2"""
  Use the command line arguments
  ${ if (args.isSet("pass")) ok else ko }

Execution environment

When you just want to access the execution environment can use the org.specs2.specification.ExecutionEnvironment trait

class MySpec extends Specification with ExecutionEnvironment { def is(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) = s2"""
  Use the implicit execution environment
  ${ Future(1) must be_==(1).await }

As you can see the ExecutionEnv parameter is defined as an implicit parameter because this is what is required when creating futures or using Future matchers