Console output

You will get a “console” output whenever you run a specification from sbt, Maven, Gradle or a shell session. There are arguments you can use to change the output:

Name Value format Comments
xonly boolean only report failures and errors
showonly String only report some examples based on their status
failtrace boolean show a stack trace for failures
fullstacktrace boolean show a full stack trace
tracefilter regexp-csv/regexp-csv comma-separated include patterns separated by / with exclude patterns
smartdiffs see below define the parameters for the SmartDiffs instance for differences
diffsclass class name use a specific instance of the Diffs trait
nocolor boolean do not use colors
colors map use different colors
colorsclass class name use a specific instance of the Colors trait
showtimes boolean show execution times for examples
indentation int number of spaces to use to indent nested examples (default = 2)

Some of these arguments deserve further explanations.

Show only

You can decide what you want to show in the console by using the showonly arguments and the following flags:

Flag Description
+ successful example
! error example
o skipped example
* pending example
- text
1 statistics

For example if you just want to show text and failures you can use showonly -x. And the xonly argument is actually a shortcut for showonly x!.


The tracefilter argument uses include/exclude patterns to define an instance of the org.specs2.control.StackTraceFilter trait which will filter stacktraces. By default the DefaultStackTraceFilter filter will exclude lines matching the following packages:

If this is not what you want, you can either use the tracefilter argument with other patterns. For example tracefilter com.acme\com.acme.impl will only keep traces of classes in the com.acme package but will reject the ones in com.acme.impl.

Note also that the default filter also truncates the stacktrace in the middle if it is bigger than 1000 lines to avoid reports being filled by out-of-control stacktraces. If you still want to see those lines you can re-run with the fullstacktrace argument.


When using the equality matcher specs2 tries to display the difference between the expected and the actual values using a class: org.specs2.main.SmartDiffs. There are several parameters for that class which you can specify from the command line as:

sbt> test-only -- smartdiffs show,separators,triggerSize,shortenSize,diffRatio,full
Parameter Description
show will not show anything (default is true)
separators allows to change the separators used to show the differences (default is “[]”)
triggerSize controls the size above which the differences must be shown (default is 20)
shortenSize controls the number of characters to display around each difference (default is 5)
diffRatio percentage of differences above which the differences must not be shown (default is 30)
full displays the full original expected and actual strings
seqTriggerSize the minimum size to compute differences on Seq, Set and Maps
seqMaxSize the maximum size to compute differences on Seq, Set and Maps

You can also specify your own enhanced algorithm for displaying the difference by providing an instance of the org.specs2.main.Diffs trait:

trait Diffs {
  /** @return true if the differences must be shown */
  def show: Boolean
  /** @return true if the differences must be shown for 2 different values */
  def show(actual: Any, expected: Any): Boolean
  /** @return true if the differences must be shown for 2 different sequences of values */
  def showSeq(actual: Seq[Any], expected: Seq[Any], ordered: Boolean): Boolean
  /** @return true if the differences must be shown for 2 different maps */
  def showMap(actual: Map[Any, Any], expected: Map[Any, Any]): Boolean
  /** @return the diffs */
  def showDiffs(actual: Any, expected: Any): (String, String)
  /** @return the diffs for sequences with missing / added values  */
  def showSeqDiffs(actual: Seq[Any], expected: Seq[Any], ordered: Boolean): (Seq[String], Seq[String])
  /** @return the diffs for sequences with missing / added values  */
  def showMapDiffs(actual: Map[Any, Any], expected: Map[Any, Any]): (Seq[String], Seq[String], Seq[String])
  /** @return true if the full strings must also be shown */
  def showFull: Boolean


By default, the reporting will output colors. If you’re running on windows you might either:

It is possible to set colors by passing the colors argument. This argument must be a list of key:value pairs (comma-separated) where keys are taken from this table:

Property Default value
text white
success green
failure yellow
error red
pending cyan
skipped magenta
stats cyan

All the available colors are listed here, with their corresponding abbreviation which you can use to refer to them as well:

Color Abbreviation
white w
green g
yellow y
red r
blue be
cyan c
black bk
magenta m

For example you can pass on the command line:

colors text:blue,failure:magenta

to have the text colored in blue and the failures in Magenta.

If the colors option contains whitebg then the default colors are considered to be InvertedColors:

Property Default value
text black
success green
failure magenta
error red
pending blue
skipped cyan
stats blue

You can also change the color scheme that’s being used on the console by implementing your own org.specs2.text.Colors trait or override values in the existing ConsoleColors class and pass this class to the colorsclass argument. For example if you want to output magenta everywhere yellow is used you can write:

class MyColors extends org.specs2.text.ConsoleColors {
  override val failureColor = magenta

and invoke colorsclass org.acme.MyColors

Finally note that the the color support for sbt on Windows is a bit tricky. You need to follow the instructions here then add to your script launching sbt:
