

Declare arguments

Arguments are usually passed on the command line but you can also declare them at the beginning of the specification, to be applied only to that specification.
For example, you can turn off the concurrent execution of examples with the args(sequential = true) call (or the shorter alias sequential):

class ExamplesOneByOne extends Specification { def is = s2""" $sequential

  first example        $e1
  the the second one   $e2

For the complete list of arguments and shortcut methods read the Runners page.

Use command-line arguments

Some specifications can depend on the arguments passed on the command line, for example to fine-tune the behaviour of some Context objects. If you need to do this, you can add an Arguments parameter to the Specification class. This parameter will be setup when the specification is instantiated:

class DependOnCommandLine(arguments: Arguments) extends mutable.Specification {

  "database access" >> { dbAccess must beOk }

Alternatively, if you need to keep your specification as a trait, you can mix-in the org.specs2.main.CommandLineArguments trait. This trait has an arguments variable which will contain the command-line arguments:

class CommandedSpecification extends mutable.Specification with CommandLineArguments {
  if (arguments.sequential) "this is" >> ok
  else                      "this is" >> ko

Note that the arguments instance gives you access to all the specs2 arguments values like sequential but also to any of your own command line argument values:

  • arguments.commandLine.value("tag"): Option[String]
  •"timeout"): Option[Int]
  • arguments.commandLine.boolean("integration"): Boolean

Add a title

Usually the title of a specification is derived from the specification class name. However if you want to give a more readable name to your specification report you can do the following:

class MySpec extends Specification { def is = s2"""
  ${"My beautiful specifications".title}

  // The rest of the spec goes here

Use descriptions

The description of an Example can be used to create an expectation in the example body:

"This is a long, long, long description" ! ((s: String) => s.size must be_>(10))

Pending until fixed

Some examples may be temporarily failing but you may not want the entire test suite to fail just for those examples. Instead of commenting them out and then forgetting about those examples when the code is fixed, you can append pendingUntilFixed to the Example body:

"this example fails for now" ! {
  1 must_== 2

// or, with a more specific message
"this example fails for now" ! {
  1 must_== 2

The example above will be reported as Pending until it succeeds. Then it is marked as a failure so that you can remember to remove the pendingUntilFixed marker.

Mark a block as pending

A full block can be marked as Pending just by using the pending method. For example:

"this is not really working now" >> pending {
  Failure("why is this not ok?")
// with a message
"this is not really working now" >> pending("I wish I knew why") {
  Failure("why is this not ok?")

This feature is not limited to Pending blocks, you can do the same with Skipped blocks.

Enhance failures

Most of the time, the message displayed in the case of a matcher failure is clear enough. However a bit more information is sometimes necessary to get a better diagnostic on the value that's being checked. Let's say that you want to check a "ticket list":

// will fail with "List(ticket1, ticket2) doesn't have size 3" for example must have size(3) // machine is a user-defined object

If you wish to get a more precise failure message you can set an alias with the aka method (also known as):

// will fail with "the created tickets 'List(ticket1, ticket2)' doesn't have size 3" aka "the created tickets" must haveSize(3)

There is also a shortcut for value aka value.toString which is simply value.aka.

And when you want other ways to customize the description, you can use:

  • post: "a" post "is the first letter" prints a is the first letter
  • as: "b" as ((s:String) => "a"+s+"c") prints abc
  • showAs: Seq(1, 2, 3, 4).showAs((_:Seq[Int]).filter(isEven).mkString("|")) prints 2|4. This one is especially useful to filter out big data structures (lists, maps, xml...) before the failure display

Share examples

In a given specification some examples may look similar enough that you would like to "factor" them out and share them between
different parts of your specification. The best example of this situation is a specification for a Stack of limited size:

class StackSpec extends Specification { def is = s2"""

  ${"Specification for a Stack with a limited capacity".title}

  A Stack with limited capacity can either be:                             $endp
    1. Empty                                                               $anEmptyStack
    2. Normal (i.e. not empty but not full)                                $aNormalStack
    3. Full                                                                $aFullStack

  def anEmptyStack =                                                       s2"""
    An empty stack should
      have a size == 0                                                     ${empty().e1}
      throw an exception when sent #top                                    ${empty().e2}
      throw an exception when sent #pop                                    ${empty().e3}

  def aNormalStack =                                                       p^s2"""
    A normal stack should
      behave like a non-empty stack                                        ${nonEmptyStack(newNormalStack)}
      add to the top when sent #push                                       ${nonFullStack().e1}

  def aFullStack =                                                         p^s2"""
    A full stack should
      behave like a non-empty stack                                        ${nonEmptyStack(newFullStack)}
      throw an exception when sent #push                                   ${fullStack().e1}

  def nonEmptyStack(stack: =>SizedStack) =                                 t^s2"""
    have a size > 0                                                        ${nonEmpty(stack).size}
    return the top item when sent #top                                     ${nonEmpty(stack).top1}
    not remove the top item when sent #top                                 ${nonEmpty(stack).top2}
    return the top item when sent #pop                                     ${nonEmpty(stack).pop1}
    remove the top item when sent #pop                                     ${nonEmpty(stack).pop2}
  /** stacks creation */
  def newEmptyStack  = SizedStack(maxCapacity = 10, size = 0)
  def newNormalStack = SizedStack(maxCapacity = 10, size = 2)
  def newFullStack   = SizedStack(maxCapacity = 10, size = 10)

  /** stacks examples */
  case class empty() {
    val stack = newEmptyStack

    def e1 = stack.size must_== 0
    def e2 = must throwA[NoSuchElementException]
    def e3 = stack.pop must throwA[NoSuchElementException]

  case class nonFullStack() {
    val stack = newNormalStack

    def e1 = {
      stack push (stack.size + 1) must_== stack.size

  case class fullStack() {
    val stack = newFullStack

    def e1 = stack push (stack.size + 1) must throwAn[Error]
  def nonEmpty(createStack: =>SizedStack) = new {
    val stack = createStack
    def size = stack.size > 0

    def top1 = must_== stack.size
    def top2 = { must_== stack.size

    def pop1 = {
      val topElement = stack.size
      stack.pop must_== topElement

    def pop2 = {
      stack.pop must_== stack.size

Create an index

Here's something you can do to automatically create an index page for your specifications:

import org.specs2._
import runner.SpecificationsFinder._

class index extends Specification { def is =

  examplesLinks("Example specifications")

  // see the SpecificationsFinder trait for the parameters of the 'specifications' method
  def examplesLinks(t: String) = t.title ^ specifications().map(see)

The specification above creates an index.html file in the target/specs2-reports directory. The specifications method
creates specifications using the following parameters:

  • path: glob pattern to filter specification files. Default value is **/*.scala
  • pattern: pattern to use when trying to retrieve the specification names from the source files. Default value = .*Spec
  • filter: function to keep only some specifications depending on their name. Default value = (name: String) => true
  • basePath: the path where to start the search. Default value: the specs2.srcTestDir system value = src/test/scala
  • verbose: boolean indicating if information about finding files and specifications must be printed. Default value = false

Tag examples

Tags can be used in a Specification to include or exclude some examples or a complete section of fragments from the execution. Let's have a look at one example:

class TaggedSpecification extends Specification { def is = s2"""
  this is some introductory text
  and the first group of examples
  example 1 $success                         ${tag("feature1", "unit")}
  example 2 $success                         ${tag("integration")}

  and the second group of examples           ${section("checkin")}
  example 3 $success
  example 4 $success                         ${section("checkin")}

In that specification we're defining several tags and sections:

  • feature 1 is a tag that's applied to example1 (the preceding Fragment)
  • feature 2 is a tag that's applied to example2 (the preceding Fragment)
  • checkin marks a section which goes from the Text and the second group of examples to example 4

Armed with this, it is now easy to include or exclude portions of the specification at execution time:

  • args(include = "feature1") will only include example 1
  • args(exclude = "integration") will include everything except example 2
  • args(include = "checkin,unit") will include anything having either checkin OR unit: i.e. example 1 and the second group of examples (example 3 and example 4)
  • args(include = "feature1 && unit") will include anything having feature1 AND unit: i.e. example 1
  • args(include = "feature1 && unit, checkin") will include anything having feature1 AND unit, OR having checkin: i.e. example 1, example 3, example4

In a unit specification

A unit specification will accept the same tag and section methods but the behavior will be slightly different:

import org.specs2.mutable._

class TaggedSpecification extends Specification {
  "this is some introductory text" >> {
    "and the first group of examples" >> {
      tag("feature 1", "unit")
      "example 1" in success
      "example 2" in success tag("integration")
  "and the second group of examples" >> {
    "example 3" in success
    "example 4" in success

  "and the last group of examples" >> {
    "example 5" in success
    "example 6" in success
  } section("slow")

For that specification above:

  • when the tag call is inserted on a new line, the tagged fragment is the one just after the tag method call: example 1
    is tagged with feature1 and unit,

  • when the tag is appended to an example, it applies to that example: example 2 is tagged with integration

  • when the section call is inserted on a new line, this opens a section for all the following fragments. This should
    be closed by a corresponding section call on a new line. For example, example 3 and example 4 are part of the
    "checkin" section

  • when the section call is appended to a block of Fragments on the same line, all the fragments of that block are part of
    the section: example 5 and example 6 are tagged with slow

Always tag

Some specifications need to have some steps which will always be included whatever tags are specified on the command line. This is the case when defining a "template" specification with setup/teardown steps:

import TagFragments._

  trait DatabaseSpec extends Specification {
    override def map(fs: =>Fragments) =
      AlwaysTag ^ Step("startDb") ^
      fs ^
      AlwaysTag ^ Step("cleanDb")

Skip examples

You can skip all the examples of a specification by using the skipAllIf or skipAllUnless methods:

class EmailSpecification extends mutable.Specification {
  "test email" >> { sendEmail must beOk }

Debug statements

When quick and hacky println statements are what you want, the Debug trait, mixed in every Specification, provides useful methods:

  • pp or "print and pass", prints a value to the console, then return it to be used in the rest of the expression: "graph.pp must haveSize(3)"
  • pp(condition) prints a value if a condition holds
  • pp(f: T => Boolean) prints a value if a condition on that value holds

Remove implicits

By default, the Specification trait imports quite a few implicit definitions (following a "batteries included" approach). However there might be some conflicts with implicits existing in your own user code. Among the usual examples of conflicts are conflicts with the === sign in Scalaz and the Duration methods in Akka.

An easy way to avoid this situation is to "deactivate" the specs2 implicits by mixing-in the relevant trait from this list:

  • org.specs2.control.NoDebug: deactivate the pp method on objects
  • org.specs2.time.NoTimeConversions: deactivate the millis, seconds,... methods on Ints and Longs
  • org.specs2.main.NoArgProperties: deactivate the toOption: Option[T] method on any value of type T
  • org.specs2.matcher.NoCanBeEqual: deactivate the === method on any type T
  • org.specs2.matcher.NoMustExpectations: deactivate the must, must_==,... methods on any value of type T
  • org.specs2.matcher.NoShouldExpectations: deactivate the should, should_==,... methods on any value of type T\
  • org.specs2.matcher.NoExpectationsDescription: deactivate the <==> and ==> methods on Strings
  • org.specs2.matcher.NoConcurrentExecutionContext: deactivate the implicit execution context used for FutureMatchers
  • org.specs2.specification.NoAutoExamples: deactivate the conversions from Boolean/Result/MatchResult/DataTable to Fragment or Example. Specific versions of this trait can be selectively used, on either Boolean or Result or MatchResult or DataTable. For example: org.specs2.specification.NoBooleanAutoExamples can be used to avoid the ^ method being used on booleans
  • org.specs2.specification.NoFragmentsBuilder: deactivate the implicit conversions from String to Fragments
  • org.specs2.specification.mutable.NoFragmentsBuilder: deactivate the implicit conversions from to remove in, >>, should and can methods from Strings
  • org.specs2.specification.NoToHtmlLinkFragments: deactivate the use of ~ and ~/ operators on Strings to create html links

Print execution data

Knowing that an example passed is fine but sometimes you want to display more information, like the time spent executing the example for instance.

This can be done by creating a Context object which will update the Result of the example execution with whatever you want to display:

import org.specs2._
import time._
import specification._
import execute._

trait Timed extends Around {
  def around[T : AsResult](t: =>T): Result = {
    // use `ResultExecution.execute` to catch possible exceptions
    val (result, timer) = withTimer(ResultExecution.execute(AsResult(t)))

    // update the result with a piece of text which will be displayed in the console
    result.updateExpected("Execution time: "+timer.time)

  /** mesure the execution time of a piece of code */
  def withTimer[T](t: =>T): (T, SimpleTimer) = {
    val timer = (new SimpleTimer).start
    val result = t
    (result, timer.stop)

When you execute a specification where each example uses this Around context (by implementing the AroundExampleContext trait for example) you should see the timing of each example displayed in the console:

[info] TimedExecutionSpecification
[info] + example 1
[info] Execution time: 94 ms
[info] + example 2
[info] Execution time: 11 ms

With example description

More generally, you can both use the example description and the example body to display custom messages, by creating a new ExampleFactory:

// a trait to create an Around context using the example description
trait TimedContext {
  def context(exampleDescription: String) = new Timed(exampleDescription)

  case class Timed(exampleDescription: String) extends Around {
    def around[T : AsResult](t: =>T): Result = {
      val (result, timer) = withTimer(ResultExecution.execute(AsResult(t)))
      result.updateExpected(s"Execution time for example $$exampleDescription: $${timer.time}")

    def withTimer[T](t: =>T): (T, SimpleTimer) = {
      val timer = (new SimpleTimer).start
      val result = t
      (result, timer.stop)

class MutableTimedSpecification extends mutable.Specification with TimedContext {

  "Example 1" in ok
  "Example 2" in ok

  // create a new MutableExampleFactory where the body of the example uses
  // the current example description
  override lazy val exampleFactory = new MutableExampleFactory {
    override def newExample[T : AsResult](description: String, t: =>T): Example =
      super.newExample(description, context(description)(AsResult(t)))

class TimedSpecification extends Specification with TimedContext { def is = s2"""
  Example 1 $ok
  Example 2 $ok

// create a new DefaultExampleFactory where the body of the example uses
// the current example description
override lazy val exampleFactory = new DefaultExampleFactory {
  override def newExample[T : AsResult](description: String, t: =>T): Example =
    super.newExample(description, context(description)(AsResult(t)))

Capture snippets

It is possible to include pieces of code in your documentation with the org.specs2.specification.Snippets trait using the snippet method to capture a block code with marker comments to delimit the parts you want to show.

What does this look like?


Here is an example of using the snippet method:

This is a multi-line string with a snippet of code: ${ snippet {
def factorial(n: Int): Int = if (n == 1) n else (n * factorial(n - 1))
factorial(3) == 6

When you use the snippet method, the reports will show:

This is a multi-line string with a snippet of code:

def factorial(n: Int): Int = if (n == 1) n else (n * factorial(n - 1))
factorial(3) == 6


Since snippets are compiled code, it might be necessary for you to add many declarations for this code, like imports or variables definitions, to be valid even if you don't want to show them. One way to do this is to delimit the code to show with some comments of the form // 8<--:

This is a snippet of code with one relevant line: ${ snippet {
// 8<--
def factorial(n: Int): Int = if (n == 1) n else (n * factorial(n - 1))
// 8<--
factorial(3) == 6
// 8<--

The snippet above will only show factorial(3) == 6. You can actually repeat this pattern several times:

This is a snippet of code with 2 relevant lines: ${ snippet {
// 8<--
def factorial(n: Int): Int = if (n == 1) n else (n * factorial(n - 1))
// 8<--
factorial(3) == 6
// 8<--
val n = 4
// 8<--
factorial(n) == 24

This just displays:

factorial(3) == 6
factorial(n) == 24


By default the last value of a Snippet is not shown but you can display it with the eval method:

This is a snippet of code with a result: ${ snippet {

This displays:

> 6


It is possible to adjust the margin of captured source code by adding or removing whitespace:

This is a snippet of code with a negative offset to align the code to the border of the screen: ${ snippet {
def factorial(n: Int): Int = if (n == 1) n else (n * factorial(n - 1))

This displays:



All of the settings above: cuts, offset,... are coming from an implicit SnippetParams object that is changing the behavior of the created Snippets. You can choose, for a given scope, to replace these parameters with other ones and simply shadow the default parameters with your own, for example to always evaluate the snippets results:

 implicit snippetParams = SnippetParams(eval = true)

The parameters you can set are:

name description
trimExpression function that is trimming the expression from newlines or accolades
cutter function to remove parts which must not be shown
asCode function to render the resulting text (as Markdown for example)
prompt function to display the evaluated result with a prompt
eval boolean indicating if a snippet must be evaluated
verify function checking the snippet value


It is also possible to capture trait/classes or method/attribute names with the following method calls:

a trait name ${simpleName[SpecificationLike] } === SpecificationLike
a fully qualified trait name ${fullName[SpecificationLike] } === org.specs2.specification.SpecificationLike
a method/attribute name ${termName(toString)} === toString
a function name ${termName(factorial(1)} === factorial

outside specs2

These functionalities are accessible outside of specs2 by importing the org.specs2.execute.Snippets trait.