



package reporter

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BufferedLineLogger extends LineLogger

    This line logger tries to respect line breaks in the original text.

    This line logger tries to respect line breaks in the original text.

    So if the original text is: Hello world\nHow are you? and we call infoLog("Hello world\n"); infoLog("How are you?")

    Then there will be only 2 lines displayed and not 3 (2 for the first infoLog, 1 for the second one)

  2. class ConsoleNotifier extends Notifier

    Notifier that prints out to the console

  3. case class ErrorLine(s: String) extends LogLine with Product with Serializable
  4. case class FailureLine(s: String) extends LogLine with Product with Serializable
  5. trait HtmlBodyPrinter extends AnyRef

    Create the body of an html file reporting a specification execution

  6. case class HtmlOptions(outDir: DirectoryPath, baseDir: DirectoryPath, template: FilePath, variables: Map[String, String], noStats: Boolean, search: Boolean, warnMissingSeeRefs: Boolean, tocEntryMaxSize: Int, toc: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Options for the Html generation

  7. trait HtmlPrinter extends Printer

    Printer for html files

  8. trait HtmlUrls extends AnyRef
  9. case class InfoLine(s: String) extends LogLine with Product with Serializable
  10. trait JUnitDescriptions extends ExecutionOrigin

    Create Description objects from the specification fragments and arrange them as a tree

  11. case class JUnitDescriptionsTree(spec: SpecStructure, ee: ExecutionEnv) extends Product with Serializable
  12. trait JUnitPrinter extends Printer

    The JUnitPrinter sends notifications to JUnit's RunNotifier

  13. trait JUnitXmlPrinter extends Printer

    The JUnitXmlPrinter creates an xml file with the specification execution results

  14. trait LineLogger extends AnyRef

    Logger with info, failure, error where each new message is displayed on a new line

  15. sealed trait LogLine extends AnyRef

    ADT for logging strings as info, warning or errors

  16. case class MarkdownOptions(outDir: DirectoryPath, extension: String) extends Product with Serializable
  17. trait MarkdownPrinter extends Printer

    This trait is not a full fledged markdown printer yet

  18. trait NoStdOut extends Around

    This trait allows to remove any console display during the execution of an example

    This trait allows to remove any console display during the execution of an example

    Of course it needs to be understood that the output might be completely messed up when executing specifications and examples concurrently

  19. trait NoStdOutAroundEach extends AroundEach

    This trait allows to remove any console display during the execution of the examples of a Specification

  20. trait Notifier extends AnyRef

    This trait can be used for any event concerning the execution of examples seen as a Tree of Fragments.

    This trait can be used for any event concerning the execution of examples seen as a Tree of Fragments.

    A pair of contextStart/contextEnd calls delimits a sequence of children in that tree.

  21. case class Pandoc(verbose: Boolean, executable: FilePath, inputFormat: String, outputFormat: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Representation of the Pandoc executable

  22. trait Printer extends AnyRef

    A Printer is essentially defined by a FoldM sink that:

    A Printer is essentially defined by a FoldM sink that:

    • can run a Process[Task, Fragment]
    • uses a scalaz-stream Sink for side-effects and
    • accumulates state for final reporting

    See TextPrinter for an example of such a Printer

  23. trait Reporter extends AnyRef

    A reporter is responsible for

    A reporter is responsible for

    • selecting printers based on the command-line arguments
    • executing the specification
    • passing it to each printer for printing

    It is also responsible for saving the specification state at the end of the run

  24. trait SbtEvents extends AnyRef

    Sbt events for a given TaskDef and event handler

  25. case class SbtLineLogger(loggers: Array[Logger]) extends BufferedLineLogger with Product with Serializable

    Line logger using sbt's loggers

  26. trait SbtPrinter extends Printer

    Text printer for Sbt

    Text printer for Sbt

    It delegates the console printing to a normal text printer but using the Sbt loggers It also publishes events (success, error, skipped, pending) to Sbt

  27. trait SearchPage extends AnyRef

    Functions used to create an index and a search page for the generated html pages

  28. trait ShowDescription extends AnyRef

    Implementation of the Show trait to allow the drawing of Tree[Description]

  29. trait SilentNotifier extends Notifier

    Notifier which does not notify at all

    Notifier which does not notify at all

    It can be subclassed so that just one method is overridden

  30. class SpecFailureAssertionFailedError extends AssertionFailedError

    This class refines the AssertionFailedError from junit and provides the stackTrace of an exception which occurred during the specification execution

  31. trait TextPrinter extends Printer

    Prints the result of a specification execution to the console (using the line logger provided by the environment)

    Prints the result of a specification execution to the console (using the line logger provided by the environment)

    At the end of the run the specification statistics are displayed as well.

Value Members

  1. object EmptyLine extends LogLine with Product with Serializable
  2. object HtmlBodyPrinter extends HtmlBodyPrinter
  3. object HtmlOptions extends Serializable
  4. object HtmlPrinter extends HtmlPrinter
  5. object HtmlUrls extends HtmlUrls
  6. object JUnitDescriptions extends JUnitDescriptions
  7. object JUnitXmlPrinter extends JUnitXmlPrinter
  8. object LineLogger
  9. object LogLine
  10. object MarkdownOptions extends Serializable
  11. object MarkdownPrinter extends MarkdownPrinter
  12. object NoStdOut extends NoStdOut
  13. object NotifierPrinter

    A Printer can be created from a Notifier implementation

  14. object NullOutputStream extends OutputStream
  15. object Pandoc extends Serializable
  16. object Printer

    specs2 built-in printers and creation methods based on the command line arguments

  17. object Reporter extends Reporter
  18. object SbtPrinter
  19. object SearchPage extends SearchPage
  20. object ShowDescription extends ShowDescription
  21. object TextPrinter extends TextPrinter
  22. object noOut extends PrintStream
  23. object stdOut extends PrintStream
