

package control

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Debug extends ImplicitParameters

    This trait provides simple a way to print out any object to the console:

    This trait provides simple a way to print out any object to the console:

    "this string".pp must_== "this string"

    will print 'this string' and pass it to the rest of the expectation

  2. trait Functions extends AnyRef

    This trait provides utility methods for functions

  3. trait ImplicitParameters extends AnyRef

    This trait can be used to overcome some limitations with method overloading due to type erasure

  4. case class IncludeExcludeStackTraceFilter(include: Seq[String], exclude: Seq[String]) extends StackTraceFilter with Product with Serializable

    Implementation of the StackTraceFilter trait with a list of include/exclude patterns

  5. trait LanguageFeatures extends AnyRef

  6. class LazyParameter[+T] extends AnyRef

    class holding a value to be evaluated lazily

  7. trait LazyParameters extends AnyRef

    This trait can be used to allow some function to be called with varargs, with values being evaluated lazily:

    This trait can be used to allow some function to be called with varargs, with values being evaluated lazily:

    def method[T](values: LazyParameter[T]*) = {
      values.toStream // use the toStream method to consume the values lazily
    // usage
    method(exp1, exp2, exp3)

    Note that the values are really evaluated once, unlike a by-name parameter.

  8. trait NoDebug extends Debug

    Use this trait to disable the pp method on objects

  9. trait NoLanguageFeatures extends LanguageFeatures

  10. trait NoNumberOfTimes extends NumberOfTimes

  11. trait NumberOfTimes extends AnyRef

  12. case class Property[T](value: () ⇒ Option[T], evaluated: Boolean = false, evaluatedValue: Option[T] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    This class represents values which are evaluated lazily and which may even be missing.

    This class represents values which are evaluated lazily and which may even be missing.

    It has Option-like function and can be also converted to an Either object

  13. trait StackTraceFilter extends AnyRef

    This trait filters an Exception stacktrace

  14. case class Times(n: Int) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Debug extends Debug

  2. object DefaultStackTraceFilter extends IncludeExcludeStackTraceFilter with ExecutionOrigin

    default filter for specs2 runs

  3. object Functions extends Functions

  4. object IncludeExcludeStackTraceFilter extends Serializable

    Factory object to build a stack trace filter from include/exclude expressions:

    Factory object to build a stack trace filter from include/exclude expressions:

    .*specs2 ==> include .*specs2 traces .*specs2/scala.* ==> include .*specs2 traces, exclude scala.* traces .*specs2,scala/scalaz,eclipse ==> include .*specs2,scala traces, exclude scalaz and eclipse traces

  5. object LazyParameters extends LazyParameters

  6. object NoStackTraceFilter extends StackTraceFilter

    This filter doesn't do anything

  7. object NumberOfTimes extends NumberOfTimes

  8. object Property extends Serializable

    Companion object to create properties with possibly no initial value

  9. object Specs2ForkJoin
